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Hot Fudge Sundae


I remember ordering hot fudge sundae's with my sister at McDonald's back in the day. We'd always order hot fudge sundae's with extra fudge and extra nuts. The fudge would be lined at the bottom and the top with a lovely pool of ice cream beginning to melt right at the top of the cup opening from the warm fudge.

She'd always check the bag before driving off, because the nuts for the sundae were always the best part - if we weren't getting a handful of those lovely red bags of peanuts - what was the point? If you have the pleasure of knowing my sister, you know how much she loves peanuts. She's a lover of an open faced PB&J - hold the J. I always admired her assertiveness - even back then as a teen - she made sure they gave her more than just two packets of nuts, because two packets is never a sufficient amount to the chocolate and ice cream ratio.

At some point, McDonald's did away with the nut packets (and the Chicken Tender selects) and I stopped eating there all together because of the decline in quality of food, but I occasionally take trips with my littles and get them a Happy Meal or McFlurry as a treat. Today, on our treat run, I had the idea of getting a hot fudge sundae (without the extra fudge for diabetic reasons - ha) and crush up some peanuts into it to add to the top. I didn't realize how much nostalgia would come from one bite. It reminded me of a time when things were easier and fun - but mostly just simple. I was back there in that drive-thru watching my sister with her smile grabbing those bags of peanuts, ripping bags open, and dumping them in the opening of the cup, worry free.

So, thank you McDonald's for the nostalgia and reminding me that hot fudge sundaes are... amazing. Shout out to my people that dip their fries in their ice cream, I see you ;)

After a brief internet search, I found this picture from Julie's Dining Club online, so thank you!

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